Quantum Computing

Qubits MCQs with Answers

Welcome to the Qubits MCQs with Answers. In this post, we have shared Qubits Online Test for different competitive exams. Find practice Qubits Practice Questions with answers in Physics Tests exams here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Qubits.

Qubits Online Quiz

By presenting 3 options to choose from, Qubits Quiz which cover a wide range of topics and levels of difficulty, making them adaptable to various learning objectives and preferences. You will have to read all the given answers of Qubits Questions and Answers and click over the correct answer.

  • Test Name: Qubits MCQ Quiz Practice
  • Type: Quiz Test
  • Total Questions: 40
  • Total Marks: 40
  • Time: 40 minutes

Note: Answer of the questions will change randomly each time you start the test. Practice each quiz test at least 3 times if you want to secure High Marks. Once you are finished, click the View Results button. If any answer looks wrong to you in Quizzes. simply click on question and comment below that question. so that we can update the answer in the quiz section.

Qubits MCQs


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1 / 40

What is quantum entanglement often referred to as?

2 / 40

What quantum principle allows a single quantum bit to represent multiple states simultaneously?

3 / 40

What is the state of a qubit after a measurement has been performed?

4 / 40

What is a quantum computer's version of a classical circuit?

5 / 40

What is the name of the algorithm for factoring integers efficiently using quantum computers?

6 / 40

What does the Bloch sphere represent?

7 / 40

What is the outcome of a quantum measurement?

8 / 40

What type of computation can potentially be exponentially faster using qubits?

9 / 40

What is the term for error correction in quantum computing?

10 / 40

Which concept is unique to quantum computing compared to classical computing?

11 / 40

What is the result of measuring a qubit in a superposition state?

12 / 40

What phenomenon allows a qubit to be in multiple states at once?

13 / 40

Which quantum property is utilized in quantum teleportation?

14 / 40

What type of quantum computer uses superconducting circuits to represent qubits?

15 / 40

How many states can a qubit exist in simultaneously?

16 / 40

What does the Hadamard gate do to a qubit?

17 / 40

What describes the ability of qubits to retain information over time without decohering?

18 / 40

Which principle states that a quantum system remains in a superposition state until measured?

19 / 40

What is a common physical representation of a qubit in quantum computers?

20 / 40

Which quantum algorithm is known for searching unsorted databases efficiently?

21 / 40

What is the quantum equivalent of a classical bit flip operation?

22 / 40

What is a quantum computer's equivalent of a classical Turing machine?

23 / 40

Which quantum gate introduces a phase shift?

24 / 40

Which physical realization of a qubit is based on manipulating single electrons in semiconductors?

25 / 40

What term describes the loss of quantum information to the environment?

26 / 40

Which theorem underpins the foundation of quantum error correction?

27 / 40

What is the state of a qubit described by?

28 / 40

What property allows qubits to be interconnected in ways classical bits can't?

29 / 40

What is the basic unit of quantum information?

30 / 40

Which gate is used to create superpositions in qubits?

31 / 40

What principle ensures that quantum information cannot be perfectly copied?

32 / 40

Which physical system can be used to implement a qubit?

33 / 40

What is a controlled-NOT gate often called?

34 / 40

Which quantum phenomenon is essential for quantum cryptography?

35 / 40

Which process is necessary for maintaining quantum coherence?

36 / 40

Which gate is a fundamental quantum gate that performs a NOT operation?

37 / 40

What is the process of initializing a qubit to a known state?

38 / 40

What does the term "quantum supremacy" refer to?

39 / 40

What quantum gate is equivalent to a 180-degree rotation around the Z-axis?

40 / 40

What is the main challenge in scaling up quantum computers?


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